Sunday, September 4, 2022

Here's the Deal


While I have been pondering teaching

either a second class per week

(Monday pm) OR

a monthly focus class

(Saturday afternoon maybe)

I think BOTH might be

a possibility.


Here's the potential obstacle for

my students: I would be teaching

at the Delia Community Library.


Now, I will continue to teach my

Thursday, 6:30 pm to 8 pm,

classes at the

Rossville Community Library

as usual. 

I am VERY happy teaching

at the RCL, so that does not change.


The reason why I would like to

teach any additional classes

at the DCL is because I can

store (and use for classes)

MORE PROPS at that library.


I have been teaching for 23 years and

have lugged my props (seemingly)

everywhere. And yes, I will continue to

bring the extra props that I need for my

Thursday pm classes. It would just

be such a blessing to not

carry multiple loads of stuff

several times a week.


Be forewarned: The DCL is a work-

in-progress. While I have put many, many,

many hours into that library, it still needs more.

The fun part is you get to see the

changes over time. :-)


 The benefits to attending classes

at the DCL will be the ability of using

MANY more props in the classes,

immediate access to my screen and

projector for visual aids for classes

and workshops, and ample parking.

And if you want to check out a movie

or book, you can!


Anyway, I am just pondering the possibilities.

I have been doing this for quite

some time now, and would love to have

some classes closer to home AND

to be able to use all my props.


Let me know what you think.



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